Diff of readme - QMPACK

The most recent package is QMPACK version 1.01

Please work with a Linux machine.
No test has been done with Windows machines.

The following is the procedure to use this Fortran program package.

1. LAPACK and BLAS subroutine packages
   are necessary. These are usually installed in default for almost all recent       
   Linux machines. If not, please download these subroutine packages from the    
   following homepage (free of charge).

[[LAPACK homepage:http://www.netlib.org/lapack/index.html]]

   The intel MKL (math kernel library) (not free of charge) is most desirable.

2. ARPACK subroutine package
   Please download this from the following homepage (free of charge).
   Do not forget to download patch.tar.gz also.
   These are not actually necessary, if you only use fssG.f. In such a case,
   please take care of the Fortran compiler by yourself.

[[ARPACK homepage:http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/index.html]]

   Please make sure first, by using some SAMPLE drivers, if the ARPACK  
   subroutines are properly installed. In particular, it is necessary
   to set up with the ARPACK, LAPACK and BLAS autocall subroutine libraries
   by properly modifying ARmake.inc, for example,

   ARPACKLIB  = $(home)/arpack.a
   LAPACKLIB =  /home/user02/fujiwara/kudmsp/LAPACK/lapack_LINUX.a
   BLASLIB = /home/user02/fujiwara/kudmsp/LAPACK/blas_LINUX.a

   should be put in the same directory as LAPACK and ARPACK exist.
   Otherwise, you have to modify the top line of the makefile:
   include ../ARPACK/ARmake.inc

4. make clean and make test
   yield channel information contained in the arrays in the common sentence
   /COMJUN/  The results of the Born amplitudes are given in the arrays
   in /COMBRN/ The main program main.f of the executable program test explains
   where the necessary Born amplitudes are stored. 

   If you set  
   at the top of main.f (or fssG.f etc.), calculations are made for
   all the B8 B8 channels.
   If you need Sigma+ p (or Sigma N (I=3/2) ), modify IQTMN(2)=1 and IQTMXA(2)
   in trans.h as
   C   IQTMNA(2)=1
   C   IQTMXA(2)=1 ! only Lambda p (make valid for HYPTRN use)
   (For using hypt.f, the isospin I=3/2 channel should be suppressed.)

5. make clean or make fssG
   yields phase shifts and cross sections of fss2 or FSS.
   The selection of the model can be done by specifying 
   MODEL=1 (FSS) or MODEL=2 (fss2) at the top of the programs.
   ICRSON=1 yields cross sections, but also make JTMAX=8 just below to include
   a sufficient number of partial waves.
   If you take off the comment sign of CALL SUBOBS(NE, IPRINT), contained in
   the subroutine CRSPLT (in brnsub.f), almost all of simple spin observables
   can be calculated (but with a large amount of output). 
   If you set ICRSON=0 and JTMAX=4 for IYTMX=2 and IYTMN=2, the experimental
   NN phase shifts (Arndt SP99) will be given just below the calculated values,      
   so that you can make sure the agreement between them.
   The selection of two-baryon systems can be controlled by the maximum (IYTMX)  
   and the minimum (IYTMN) values of the total hypercharge Y (from 2 to -2);
   for example, IYTMX=2 and IYTMN=-2 gives a full output.

6. Other sample programs
   are also executable by
   make clean
   make program
   whre program is fssG, triton or hypt etc.
   triton is the triton Faddeev calculation、and hypt is the hypertriton
   Faddeev calculation. The selection of the momentum mesh points can
   be done by rewriting triton.h, hypt.h, etc. Please choose
   n_1-n_2-n_3=5-5-5 or 10-10-5. If you choose 10-10-5, you should get the 
   same value as the one we published, but it is usually very time consuming.
   (This is the default setting.) The selection of the model is the same as 
   fssG; namely, MODEL=1 (FSS) or MODEL=2 (fss2). Please modify this at the top
   of triton.f or hypt.f.

If you have any troubles, please feel free to contact us.

Y. Fujiwara

phone: +81-75-753-3875

fax: +81-75-753-3886

e-mail: fujiwara@ruby.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp

revised on 5 August, 2004, for version 1.01

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